Pillars of eternity sexy custom portraits

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They are the primary hunters, soldiers, and leaders of the tribes of Naasitaq. In the Aedyr Empire, Vailian Republics, and the Dyrwood, women occupy many domestic, educational, and organizational roles. In all societies, there are exceptions to the rule, and men can be found in a wide variety of stations and professions.Ī woman's role in Eora is largely dependent on where she is from. In Eir Glanfath and Ixamitl, men and women have more fluid social roles.

Among the tribes of Naasitaq, men perform many of the homesteading and organizational duties. Cultures like Aedyr and the Dyrwood place them at the forefront of military, politics, and heavy labor. The place of men in society varies from culture to culture. You can choose either male or female, and outside of physical appearance, this doesn't affect the mechanical gameplay in any way. The first thing you do is select the sex of the character.

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